Letter by Stefan Humiecki, the Voivode of Podolia, to Adam Sieniawski concerning the Jewish self-government of Podolia

Stefan Humiecki, the Voivode of Podolia, responds to the allegations made by Adam Sieniawski, the Hetman of the Crown, and claims that the allegations made by the Jews from Sieniawski's estates are not true. In reality, the land elders from Hetman’s cities had participated in the last Assembly in Satanów, and a Jew from Międzybóż was its Marshal. The Jew from Husiatyn chosen as the trustee by the elders has no right to increase the tax burden over the tariff established at the Assembly.

Archive: The Czartoryski Library in Krakow
Reference Number: BC 5834, s.789-792
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 04.05.1718
Place of origin: Sołobkowce, Sołopkowce
Geographical names: Husiatyn, Medzhybizh, Podolia (Podole), Sataniv (Ukraine)